The "are you dissident enough" contest!

Check out the preview! (PDF download, 4.8M)

The "are you Dissident enough" contest rules

Entering is easy - all we need is a photo of your local comic shop retailer and you holding a copy of our DISSIDENT print out (click the link below, print it out, take it to the comic shop and send us the pic!) and on February 10th at midnight we'll select by random ballot ONE lucky winner who will be featured in ONE LAST SONG as a radio DJ who is "dissappeared" by agents of the government in issue #1! whew! But wait - there's more! You also win a free copy of "ONE LAST SONG" signed by the creators, a "ONE LAST SONG" dissident t-shirt and a bunch of other great swag! And your retailer wins too - we'll send them an official ONE LAST SONG ball cap, a piece of original art (the page where the winner is whacked, natch') and other goodies to enjoy!
PRINT OUT THIS PAGE!! (click to download)

Make sure to include your name, address, email, t-shirt size, the store you took the picture at and of course the picture and send it to:

Fine Print Stuff:By entering the contest, you allow us to use your likeness in the comic and post your name on the blog. You don’t get any rights to the comic or payment other than the cool prizes we’re gonna toss your way. This is just a fun way for you to get some great swag, so don’t sue us ok? Thanks!

Diamond has just released the order code for One Last Song #1! This is a time for great celebration and much dancing. Check it out:FEB073275. Neeto, eh?

Now is the time for the great pre-ordering rush! Also, keep an eye peeled for a pretty cool contest that we're launching. Sweet prizes, indie comics, flippin the finger right at the man..what could be better?

Also, Shawn has set up a kick ass online swag store.
You need a Dissident shirt. Yes, you do. Now be a good citizen and visit our store.

Well, well, well. It's getting to be the end of the day. Work at the day job is finally over and it's time to check me emai...What the hell is this!?!? So the U.S. Attorney General questions that the Constitution grants all citizens habeas corpus? Just when I think the neo-cons have hit a new low. Read the article, try not to cry, and remember this bullshit come the next election day.

Hey look at this - I was digging through some old files on the computer and I came across some original ideas for the logo:

This is of course the final logo we came up with:
I can see element from both of my roughs in there... it was a fun design experiment.

Hey, look at that, the thing is starting to get off the ground - previews, a new website, CJ going and pimping the book... wow. I better do something, I guess, so here is a page from beginning to end.
I start out with a script, which might look like this:

PAGE SIX (5 panels)

Panel 1: Cluttered one room apartment. Bed unmade,
Clothes on the floor, empty whiskey bottles, cigarette
butts, and empty Chinese food cartons. In the middle
of this mess is Brian Brennen. He’s sitting at a table
with a ham radio set and headphones on. A cigarette
juts out of his mouth. He looks unwashed, unshaved,

Radio: Heeellooo from Amsterdam (fade)…Hola! Tu
es… (fade)...all with jumper cables..(fade)

Panel 2: Different angle. We see Brian turning the
tuning dial. Also on the table is his Gentri-Mart
Manager’s name tag and vest and a picture of Brian
in DHS uniform.

SFX: Phone rings

Panel 3: Brian ignores phone and keeps tuning radio.

Radio: 11,86,23,23 Et in Arcadia ego.

SFX: Phone rings

Panel 4: Brian looks shocked.

SFX: Phone rings

Panel 5: Brian reaches out and answers the phone.

Brian: Hello? Ok. I’ll meet you there.

Radio: Be careful out there.

So then I rough out what I think the page should look like, which I wanted to include. However I can't find the rough for page six, which is the one I decided to do tonight, so I'm going to skip this step. Suffice it to say, it's very rough (ah, what the hell, here's page 10's rough/layout):

Then I like to take photo ref, to get the right poses for the characters and the light source, if I have time:

Then I draw it on a piece of 11 x 17 bristol board (I buy 11x14 inch Strathmore 3ply smooth pads and cut them to size. Which is why my originals look like shit...):

Then I ink and scan and letter that sucker. I usually do my panel borders in photoshop too, since I like how clean they end up:

And that's it. See? Even a monkey could do it...

blue skies,

The fine folks at Brain Scan Comics have launched the official promotional website for One Last Song!

Check it out here:

We'll be adding some nifty and exclusive promotional items and content soon, so make sure to keep checking back!

We've recieved word that the Diamond order code will be released later on this month and the book will be listed in the Feb issue of Previews. The time is nearing for the pre-order frenzy!

Shawn and I would like to thank all of you for supporting this book and helping it finally see the light of day. It means a lot to us. Thank you.