The "are you dissident enough" contest!

Check out the preview! (PDF download, 4.8M)

The "are you Dissident enough" contest rules

Entering is easy - all we need is a photo of your local comic shop retailer and you holding a copy of our DISSIDENT print out (click the link below, print it out, take it to the comic shop and send us the pic!) and on February 10th at midnight we'll select by random ballot ONE lucky winner who will be featured in ONE LAST SONG as a radio DJ who is "dissappeared" by agents of the government in issue #1! whew! But wait - there's more! You also win a free copy of "ONE LAST SONG" signed by the creators, a "ONE LAST SONG" dissident t-shirt and a bunch of other great swag! And your retailer wins too - we'll send them an official ONE LAST SONG ball cap, a piece of original art (the page where the winner is whacked, natch') and other goodies to enjoy!
PRINT OUT THIS PAGE!! (click to download)

Make sure to include your name, address, email, t-shirt size, the store you took the picture at and of course the picture and send it to:

Fine Print Stuff:By entering the contest, you allow us to use your likeness in the comic and post your name on the blog. You don’t get any rights to the comic or payment other than the cool prizes we’re gonna toss your way. This is just a fun way for you to get some great swag, so don’t sue us ok? Thanks!

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